Friday, October 25

Burn Out

Let's keep this short.

There is no such thing as people burning out. There is such a thing as people realizing that they are not passionate about what they're doing.

They Just Keep Falling

What things keep on falling?

Leaves. Leaves just fall off from trees sometimes. They run dry, they lose their hold. They fall, along with their stem. Leaves fall.

Stars. We call them falling stars, but in truth they are meteors falling from the sky. Mostly a symbol of hope; it prides itself of granting the wishes of men.

Tears. They fall from the eyes. Sometimes because of joy; mostly because of pain, of heartache. Just as the water falls from the falls (yes, waterfalls).

People. People fall in love they say. Sometimes the purest of hearts are also deceived; they fall victims to the mischievous many. However smart, however kind... people just happen to fall.

Some things just happen to keep on falling.