Saturday, November 3

Not the Usual Kind of Thing

Last Tuesday, we were required to submit a 'reflection paper' on the movie 500 Days of Summer. Our professor is, however, open to creative expression, so she was alright if we did a not-so-formal reflection paper. Heck, we could even draw if we wanted to. I was thinking of doing an essay - yeah, the usual thing - when the thought of writing a poem suddenly struck me the day before the submission. And so I did a poem on the dawn of Tuesday. I hope it turns out well in the eyes of my professor. 

Here it is. Don't judge me, okay? :D

When the Man Falls in Love

I once thought that only women can fall in love
That the heart that skips and melts
At the sight of the man
Is a feeling only a woman can have;
But when the man falls in love
His heart also skips and melts
Beating as if leaving his body
And his world stops.

I once thought that only women can get hurt
That the tears and the pain
And the sorrow of love
Are unfelt by men;
But when the man falls in love
His heart is as vulnerable as the woman
That even the slightest, single attempt
To break his heart
Can turn it into a thousand pieces.

I once thought that only women are unforgetful
That the memory of her love
Can be brought back
At the sight of a once shared abode;
But when the man falls in love
Drowning himself in liquor
Vodka, beer, whisky… whatever it is
Could not even erase her memory.

I once thought that only women can love
That only women can get hurt
That only women can get so reminiscing;
But the man
Because the woman is born from the man
They are tied together
That when the woman loves, hurts and remembers
The man also does
Because he, to, is a creature of love.


  1. I was deeply touched. Choice of word + overall theme of the poem. >:D< Good job.

    1. Thank you so much, dear! Re-reading it, I actually think I could have done a better job with the last stanza, but hearing you and Sexy (hahaha), ok na ;) >:D<

  2. Glad you did not have to edit it :)) But I don't think you need to edit the last stanza. I mean, for me, it's powerful enough.

    "But the man
    Because the woman is born from the man
    They are tied together
    That when the woman loves, hurts and remembers
    The man also does
    Because he, to, is a creature of love."

    Eto talaga yun eh :>
